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Mask Collection

2nd Annual

Date: Friday, October 20th

Place: YHS Cafeteria 

Time: 7-10 PM 



Event Details 

It has come to our attention that Yulee High School's homecoming dance is on October 21st, which is the same day is our Lowndes competition. We had a similar scheduling conflict last year. Competitions are mandatory and can not be missed. In order to make sure our students don't miss out on these fun activities; we are bring back BOCO!

For our freshman parents, BOCO stands for "Band Homecoming". In other words, we throw a homecoming dance for just our band students. We keep this event free for band students as it is really just a night of fun. Like any other homecoming dance, we have a homecoming court with a freshman lady and lord, sophomore duke and duchess, junior prince and princess, and of course a senior king and queen. In order to have this event, and not add anything to our currently overloaded schedule, we will be foregoing the Episcopal game on the 20th and instead dancing it up in the cafeteria! If you take a look at the band calendar it will say "CANCELED" next to the Episcopal game. 

Some key notes to mention about BOCO;
- This is a SCHOOL function. There will be no tolerance for anything that breaks the student code of conduct. Students who engage in behavior that breaks the school code of conduct will be asked to leave and the student code of conduct followed.
-Students may bring ONE guest who is also a student of YHS. They may not bring anyone who is graduated or not a YHS student. All students must RSVP if they plan to attend. Students who do not RSVP will not be permitted inside.
-We do not provide dinner/snacks for this event. If we would like to have snacks, this would be via parent donations. Please make sure your student eats beforehand.
- All students should be dropped off at the cafeteria. Students who drive should be parking in front of the cafeteria. The band room will be locked and unavailable during the dance. All students will remain in the cafeteria for the duration of the dance!
- This is a dance! Both students and staff dress up and have a wonderful time!

We are so excited to bring this back this year. Our band truly is a family and we get so excited to do these things for our students. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!

We do still have a competition the next morning, so let's make sure our students return promptly home from the dance if possible. I will send out more details as we get closer! 

Best Regards


We are always looking for people who share our passion for MS1 Marching Band!

Yulee Band Parent Association, Inc.

76020 William Burgess Blvd.

Unit 5-1110 

Yulee, FL 32097


In cooperation with: 

Mr. Amos A.J. Walker – Band Director

85375 Miner Rd. ,1100

Yulee, Florida 32097

Phone: 904-225-8641

The Yulee Band Parent Association is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to organizations with 501(c)(3) status may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor to determine the deductibility of any contribution. Copyright© Yulee Band Parent Association, Inc 2023. Disclaimer Information: While the Yulee Band Parent Association, Inc. loves our sponsors/supporters, their appearance on our website should not be taken as an endorsement and/or guarantee of service. In addition, this website, while representative of the Yulee High Band program, is in no way affiliated with the Nassau County School District.

Copyright© 2024 by Yulee Band Parent Association. 

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