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Meet Our Staff

Band Director

Mr. Amos A.J. Walker

Mr. Walker has been the MS1 Band Director for  He is a graduate of Benedict college. He is very dedicated to his students and the Yulee High School Band program and has a passion for cultivating the BEST BAND IN THE LAND! His excitement and love of music motivates and inspires students to work towards higher goals and accomplishments.  Mr. Walker also loves blending elements of education found in traditional and competitive style bands with his own unique flair. When he is away from the classroom, he likes to spend time with his family and will do anyhting for a bag of sour patch kids. 😁. 

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Yulee Band Parent Association, Inc.

76020 William Burgess Blvd.

Unit 5-1110 

Yulee, FL 32097

In cooperation with: 

Mr. Amos A.J. Walker – Band Director

85375 Miner Rd. ,1100

Yulee, Florida 32097

Phone: 904-225-8641

The Yulee Band Parent Association is recognized as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to organizations with 501(c)(3) status may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor to determine the deductibility of any contribution. Copyright© Yulee Band Parent Association, Inc 2023. Disclaimer Information: While the Yulee Band Parent Association, Inc. loves our sponsors/supporters, their appearance on our website should not be taken as an endorsement and/or guarantee of service. In addition, this website, while representative of the Yulee High Band program, is in no way affiliated with the Nassau County School District.

Copyright© 2024 by Yulee Band Parent Association. 

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